Blood Type Diet & Wellness Assessment


For those that are interested in obtaining a more personable health profile to help try and discover underlying health concerns, lose weight, get off medications or reduce them or find an alternate solution, this may be the way you want to go.
There are 2 ways to go with this one, a $85 assessment to where as you may just want to know your blood type and how consumables effects your health, or you may want to go the extended route at $125 which we get your blood type by pricking your finger, and do a consumable intake and compare it up against your blood type to address any health issues or concerns, we take your measurements, and give you a 3 month follow-up on results from the implemented advised plan. Some of the health concerns we address is weight issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune issues, thyroid issues etc.
The assessments usually takes about 2 hrs and done by Appt. only .

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